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Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about living a more simple, natural lifestyle. I’ve really embraced the use of herbs and other natural remedies in my home. But. That’s not to say that I did everything perfectly the first time. Nor have I been free from any interesting side effects. Here are a few mistakes to avoid (and laugh at).

1. Cinnamon after-shave is good everywhere … but your bikini line. Ouch.

2. Citric acid is easily mistaken for salt, especially when purchased from the same company. Our green beans tasted really interesting that night. I can’t believe I ate them anyway.

3. Vinegar hair rinse feels really special on fresh cuts.

4. When they say to drink/gargle apple cider vinegar, they mean dilute it first. Unless you like hacking and spitting vinegar all over your sink, window and counter.

5. If you overcook your herbs, your ointment will smell like an ash tray.

6. Yarrow tea is great for infection, but you must add lots of honey if you ever want to get past that first drink. Holy yuck.

7. Taking tons of garlic for an infection will make you and all of your excretions smell like an angry, vampire-hunting mob.

8. Fenugreek, taken to increase milk supply, will leave you smelling like maple syrup and your husband with a never-ending craving for pancakes. It’s fun to see how many people start sniffing with a puzzled look on their faces.

9. Yarrow and cayenne are both excellent herbs that stop bleeding. Guess which one doesn’t sting like the dickens.

10. I don’t care what anyone says, garlic should only be taken by mouth to treat a yeast infection. Yeah, I went there.

If only I knew then what I know now. Now I’m armed with an awesome community and resources and I’ll never make a mistake again (ha!).

One resource I do want to point you to, though, is DIY Natural. They have tons of recipes, for everything from home made vanilla extract to laundry detergent. And sometimes, they even let me write a post or two. πŸ™‚

Have your home remedy ventures ever left you with some interesting results?